eat for healty |
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This behind-neraga especially in developed countries, many people who are healthy behavior for the implementation, in line with the movement of cancer. The following steps are recommended to prevent the development of cancer through healthy living:
* Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains such as tempeh, tofu and foods that are high in fiber. At least once or twice per day vegetables and fruit to be consumed.* Avoid being overweight or obese. Weigh the weight of 1 once a week. Research shows in the presence of obesity, the risk of cancer is increased in particular breast, uterus, colon, stomach, kidney and gallbladder.* Reduction of fried foods and too high in protein and fat and offal.* Limit processed foods with a high temperature and a long period of time or a specific treatment that can lead to food procarcinogens such as salted, smoked, fried, roasted until charcoal (charred). The best part is the food that is cooked.* Be careful with the use of artificial sweeteners, colorings and preservatives exaggerated. The best food is fresh food.* The food is kept clean, diverse, and free from environmental pollutants.* Do not use excessive alcohol and smoking* Physical activity with regular exercise, mental and spiritual health is an integral part of cancer prevention.